P&ID Symbols Block Library ver. 4.0
Available for AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT
This library can be quickly loaded into AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT’s 2006 and newer menu bar for quick access. With a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can easily insert the symbols you need to generate piping & instrumentation diagrams. Utilizing a pull-down menu and dialog boxes, this block library organizes all symbols for easy and instant access. With a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can easily insert the symbols you need to generate piping & instrumentation diagrams. Utilizing a pull-down menu and dialog boxes, this block library organizes all symbols for easy and instant access.
- Compatible with AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT versions 2006 and newer.
- Contains 335 P&ID symbols in .dwg format and 78 custom line types.
- Symbols conform to ISA Standard 5.1-2009.
- Symbol legend sheets are included.
- Works with metric and imperial drawing units.
- ANSI (A – F) and ISO (A0 – A4) drawing borders included.
- All symbols can be snapped to a grid for simple placement and alignment.
- Many symbols are dynamic blocks and can be modified after they’re inserted.
Symbols contain user defined attributes such as manufacturer, model number, size, equipment number, etc.
This feature is useful for running a data or attribute extraction to create a bill of material when you’ve completed your drawing.
It’s easy to use:
Once loaded in AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, “PID Library” will appear in the menu bar.
No need to browse through folders every time you need to insert a symbol. Simply point and click in the menu to choose from a wide range of ANSI/ISA P&ID symbols.
Choose one of two ways to access the library…

Add a new tab to the Ribbon:
Pick an insertion point in your drawing. Symbols will automatically break the line when inserted.
A window will appear ready for your input. The information you add here is useful for running an attribute or data extraction to create an equipment list.
How it works:

The blue circle grip will rotate the valve and text.
The blue square grip moves the valve size text to make room for an actuator.

About the blocks…
- All symbols are drawn for use with a grid. Easily set the grid and snap by clicking “Drawing setup / Borders” in the menu.
- Each symbol is drawn on layer zero and is set to “byblock”. Byblock allows you to change its color, lineweight, etc. without exploding it.
- Once inserted, the symbols will take on the characteristics of your current layer settings.